5 Reasons Why Startups Should Invest in Animation

More than having a fantastic product or service is required in the fast-paced, cutthroat world of startups. You must be noticeable. You must draw in listeners, hold their interest, and convey your special selling point effectively. However, in a busy market when people's attention spans are getting shorter by the day, how can you do that?

Animation is the solution.

Animation has quickly progressed from being only an amusement tool to one of the most effective storytelling and marketing communication methods. Animation provides the ideal fusion of originality, interaction, and clarity for companies. It can help make even the most difficult ideas simple to understand in addition to drawing attention. The question is, though, why a startup company with limited funds should bother with animation when there are so many other effective marketing tactics to choose from?

These are five strong arguments for entrepreneurs to include animation as a major component of their marketing plan.

1. Animation Simplifies Complex Concepts

Writing and communicating are also issues, as the simplified explanation of the launched company’s idea might seem stupid when translated into real life for many tech, finance, or even healthcare startup founders. I know from firsthand experience that it’s all too common for the founder to become too involved with the mechanics of the product or service. Although passion is important, clarity should be the fundamental process when dealing with potential customers or investors.

This is where animation excels: Compared to conventional content it can be explained that animation often avoids the usage of large texts or jargon-based slides. It also ranges from an explainer animated video where an animated figure is used to explain the workings of a particular software to a product demo animated video illustrating the working of a new gadget. Characters, metaphors, and visual metaphors, the animation is far superior to passing a PowerPoint presentation or a page that is filled with text to communicate the value proposition of a product.

Take, for example, the rise of explainer videos: It has now become standard among digital marketers to create these short, animated clips because they help a great deal in how products or services can be explained. At Motion Marvels, we are focused on producing animated explainer videos that present your company’s story in a simple, but compelling and informative manner.

2. Builds a Stronger Emotional Connection

Despite so many differences, all four entrepreneurs faced major challenges when entering the market, mainly the ability to gain the preliminary trust of consumers and establish a company’s brand recognition. Essentially, the reception of brands that are appealing to the audience on an emotional level is higher, but how do you build such a relationship at the beginning of cooperation?

Animation is a very effective way of retelling as well as creating a new story for a movie. Since it is not bound by reality like live-action videos, creative freedom is fully available so you can opt to bring out the best in your brand’s storytelling. Regardless of whether you’re painting the images vibrant, creating the characters full of life, or drawing the backgrounds, enchanting, animated worlds leave a strong impact on your spectators that contributes to establishing a strong bond between the viewers and the creators.

Business animations – how storytelling can affect your brand. Brand and company storytelling is one way in which the startup can convey its message in a manner that people will have an emotional response to. For example, a Health Technology Firm creating a start-up might have animation as their design strategy to showcase the flow of a patient through their service delivery while emphasizing the value addition of their product to the lives of patients.

Consumers’ emotions are very significant when it comes to deciding on the purchase of a product. Thus, through the usage of animations startups can elicit emotions from the viewers and establish trust in them. If executed well, such emotions impact brand recognition and thus affect the capacity to make users convert.

Read More: The Power of Animation: Engaging Audiences Through Visuals

3. Boosts Brand Visibility and Engagement

As the world continues to shift online, one issue that remains prominent is that of having people notice your brand. One of the major hurdles that startups encounter is the contest with better-known brands that have deeper pockets to support their promotional campaigns. This is a crucial question, especially for a startup company that operates with a small pool of capital, or even no capital at all.

The answer to this question seems rather obvious here and this is in the excitement created by animated features. First and foremost, animated content always draws the eye due to its very nature and the fact that in most cases it is something with which one does not expect to come across. That is why an animation is so attractive to the viewer and captures his attention much longer than a simple image or text.

Moreover, animation is pretty effective in all media types, starting with social media, moving to websites, and even including email marketing. For example, short snackable animations or GIFs are far better suited for use on places like Instagram and TikTok where an audience spends a few seconds and their engagement is maxed out. A good animation of your posts makes the users take a break from scrolling through their news feeds and interact with your brand by liking, sharing, or commenting.

Another advantage to animation is that it is easily shareable further contributes to the potential of an animation to be viral. Animation that makes people laugh or think fand even makes them feel something has the potential to be reposted across different social media platforms making your brand familiar to a larger populace. Especially for startups with limited pockets to spend for marketing, such visibility is priceless on their part.

4. Improves SEO and Web Performance

It may come as a shock for you to know that animation can greatly influence the way your website works and where it is placed on a list of search results. New-generation search engines such as Google will rank websites that have quality content that will keep users on the page longer. It has been witnessed that the use of videos especially animated helps boost the amount of time spent on a website, sliced the bounce rate, and visitors tended to look for other content within the site.

When people spend longer time on your site watching a video or interacting with an animated portion, search engines consider they should rank your content high due to its worth. Also, animated content tends to gain backlinks and shares on social media sites which in turn increases the ranking of your site and organic traffic.

Of these, explainer videos and the animated landing pages are particularly effective here. An explainer video placed at the right place like the landing page can boost conversion of visitors to customers by up to 80%, making it an important tool that every startup should consider utilizing if they have an aim of marketing their products online. Animation can also ensure that the buyer gets a better understanding of your product or service thus the reduction of buyer’s journey friction increasing the chances of conversion.

In addition, SEO-related platforms such as YouTube which is affiliated to Google are among the key players in SEO. Displaying animated content on YouTube and then sharing it on your website has the additional advantage of raising your ranking on the results lists.

5. Offers Cost-Effective Versatility

Marketing is frequently important for small businesses because such companies always struggle to find efficient ways of advertising various products or services, especially if they have limited funds at their disposal. Still to this day, people have a stuck-up idea of what they believe animation to be, which is costly and time-consuming when it could very well be one of the most flexible and effective marketing mediums out there.

Animation is versatile in that it can be used across multiple marketing touch points including on websites, social media, email newsletters, and paid ads. For instance, a one-animated explainer video may be divided into several segments which may be in the form of clips, animated GIFs, or images for various uses. Because of the flexibility of animation, startups may optimize the return on investment in their content production.

The other benefit is the reality that animatics involve no need for actors in different settings or even large production crews, all of which may be required for live-action videos. This makes it possible for startup companies to counter the expense of traditional video productions. If you hire the right animation team the quality of your videos will be just as high as in the live-action video and the cost will be incomparably less.

In addition, animated content can also easily be changed or altered with time in the future or to reflect on changes that may be observed in the growth of the startup firms. This makes animation a long-term solution that can be incorporated with your business, then growing and changing as the business grows.


It’s no longer a luxury for startups to incorporate animation into the overall strategy as it is now a necessity in the current business environment. Here it breaks down concepts that might otherwise be hard to understand, creates a connection with the target audience, increases interest, enhances website ranking in search engine results, and is very flexible in terms of cost. Hence, for those businesses that are starting particularly those that hope to be around for the longest time, the use of animations is unbeatable.

At Motion Marvels, we know the typical problems that concern startups. Our team focused on producing great animated videos that not only communicate your brand’s message but also are effective. If you need an explainer video, an interesting post on social media platforms, or the whole brand animation – welcome to Synapulse!

Are you eager to take advantage of the animation services for your new business startup? Feel free to contact us with any elaborate inquiry at Motion Marvels Today and help your company, entity or brand distinguish itself amidst the noise.

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